Pam’s Meatless Meatloaf recipe DELISH!

I served this to a hungry construction friend of mine after he helped me at my home. He is not a vegan or a vegetarian…he is (or WAS) I should say , a meat and potatos kind of dude.I have since helped him see the light of healthier eating!  I served it with Mashed Yukon Potatoes and bean gravy with steamed gr beans…he said it was the best meatloaf he had ever had. Tee Hee!

Here it is!

Pam’s Meatless Meatloaf Recipe.

This is for a normal size meatloaf…can be divided to make small individual loaves too.

OVEN 350

3 cups of beans of your choice…I usually use black beans and white beans…from scratch beans are best but organic canned are ok well drained.

1  cup raw organic oats or oatmeal

1 shredded organic carrot

1/2 cup finely chopped onion, scallion or leek.

Handful of Shitake Mushrooms chopped (optional)

1 egg..if  VEGAN, ..sub 1/2 cup silken or soft Tofu

1/2 cup ground flax seed

1 tbsp garlic powder

1tbsp italian parsely or dried italian herbs

Sea salt and  Pepper to taste

Few squirts of organic ketchup

2 tbsps of Worshestershire Sauce, if VEGAN…sub Soy Sauce or Braggs Amino Acids. the Worshestershire has a small amount anchovies in it.

The following are added on top of the loaf at the end…see below.

Cheese Substitute Or Mozz Cheese Substitute…easily found near the Tofu in the Grocery…This is optional.

Organic Tomato Sauce

OK here we go! Put on the Health music…I play Loreena McKennitt Book of Secrets for this recipe.

Get your wonderful large bowl.

Arrange all ingredients. In a fry pan, sautee the onions, carrots and mushrooms with a pinch of seasalt till just translucent…do not brown them. Set aside.

Drain your beans. If from scratch save your bean water. Add beans to your large wonderful bowl.mash them with a potato masher untill they are somewhat mashed but not total MUUSH..leave them have some form.

 Add all other ingredients (EXCEPT THE CHEESE AND TOMATO SAUCE) as well as your sauteed veggies.  Roll up thine sleeves and mash with your hands like you would regular meat loaf. Check your consistency…you will feel it if it is too wet, add more oatmeal and flax seed…too dry? add more soy sauce etc…at this point you can taste it as it is not raw meat! 🙂 Adjust your seasonings…at this point you can add curry, cumin, cayenne etc for a twist. Remember you are the Artist in the Kitchen!

Form it into the normal meatloaf shape…or make mini ones.

Bake at 350 for about 50 min. I use a non stick pan..if  you dont have one, line with parchment paper or use an organic spray so no sticky to the panny.

When the loaf starts to become crusty at 45 min or so, pour tomato sauce and sprinkle the non cheese if you are using it…bake till warm and bubbly.


serve with Mashed Yukon Gold Potatos and bean Gravy…Recipe for that coming. OR put a slice on some sprouted grain bread with my cashew Mayonaise (recipe earlier in the blog) for a great sandwich.

Happy eating! 🙂







Pam’s Seitan From Scratch Recipe

I love Seitan. I eat it cold from the fridge!

It is simple to make…and once you get the hang of it…you will be able to adapt the flavor for many different dishes…

Seitan is  sometimes called “wheat meat”, it is a dense glutenous product that is nutritious and has a texture like chicken sort of…it is substituted in recipes that would normally use meat….Stews, Parmesians (I use a vegan cheese) , stir fries…etc. I made a salad recently using my cashew mayo  apples, celery and toasted walnuts for a yummy Seitan Vegan Waldorf  Salad.

#This recipe is NOT for gluten intolerant folks.


OK here is what you need:

2 cups Vital Wheat Gluten 

1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil

1 tsp Ginger Powder

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1 tsp Onion Powder

1 1/4  Cup Water or Veggie Broth or both

3 tbsp Soy Sauce or Braggs Amino Acids


Water or broth

Fresh Ginger Sliced

Shitake Mushrooms Dried work well fresh are fine too.

Seaweed if desired …Kombu or Nori Leaves…not the sushi paper type.

OK now we are ready to go…put on some of your favorite health songs. I like Native American Flute music.

Get a nice spacious bowl. Mix all dry ingredients together.

Mix all wet ingredients in smaller bowl whisk together. Add the wet all at once to the dry and mix with a fork untill it starts to get rubbery. At this point roll up sleeves and use your hands.

You must knead this ball well for about a minute. I like my Seitan dense so the longer you knead it the more density it gets. Now cover the bowl and let it sit for at least 15 minutes.

Go back and knead it can stretch it etc to form a large 1 inch thick pancake…now lay it flat and cut it into strips about 1 1/2 inches wide.

In a heavy pan on the stove, add water or stock to cover the Seitan…sliced fresh ginger, seaweed, mushrooms, garlic can be added for extra rich flavor in the cooking liquid at this time.  Add a few tbsps of Soy Sauce.

Bring to a simmer and keep a lid halfway on. Simmer for about 1/2 hour or until the Seitan has  doubled its size. The longer you cook it the denser it gets. Add more liquid if needed and push the Seitan down as it likes to float.

There you have it!  Now the Seitan can be used or stored in its cooking liquid in the fridge for up to 5 days or it can be frozen in its liquid. Seitan freezes well. Also, once it is chilled, it becomes denser yet! YUMMY

The cooking liquid is also great to add to Vegan Sauces as a thickener.

The flavor is easily altered depending on what spices you use…ie italian herbs, no soy or sesame oil…sub olive oil, white wine etc…use the imagination. You are an artist in the kitchen !

Pam’s Seitan From Scratch Recipe

I love Seitan. I eat it cold from the fridge!

It is simple to make…and once you get the hang of it…you will be able to adapt the flavor for many different dishes…

Seitan is  sometimes called “wheat meat”, it is a dense glutenous product that is nutritious and has a texture like chicken sort of…it is substituted in recipes that would normally use meat….Stews, Parmesians (I use a vegan cheese) , stir fries…etc. I made a salad recently using my cashew mayo  apples, celery and toasted walnuts for a yummy Seitan Vegan Waldorf  Salad.

#This recipe is NOT for gluten intolerant folks.


OK here is what you need:

2 cups Vital Wheat Gluten 

1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil

1 tsp Ginger Powder

1 tsp Garlic Powder

1 tsp Onion Powder

1 1/4  Cup Water or Veggie Broth or both

3 tbsp Soy Sauce or Braggs Amino Acids


Water or broth

Fresh Ginger Sliced

Shitake Mushrooms Dried work well fresh are fine too.

Seaweed if desired …Kombu or Nori Leaves…not the sushi paper type.

OK now we are ready to go…put on some of your favorite health songs. I like Native American Flute music.

Get a nice spacious bowl. Mix all dry ingredients together.

Mix all wet ingredients in smaller bowl whisk together. Add the wet all at once to the dry and mix with a fork untill it starts to get rubbery. At this point roll up sleeves and use your hands.

You must knead this ball well for about a minute. I like my Seitan dense so the longer you knead it the more density it gets. Now cover the bowl and let it sit for at least 15 minutes.

Go back and knead it can stretch it etc to form a large 1 inch thick pancake…now lay it flat and cut it into strips about 1 1/2 inches wide.

In a heavy pan on the stove, add water or stock to cover the Seitan…sliced fresh ginger, seaweed, mushrooms, garlic can be added for extra rich flavor in the cooking liquid at this time.  Add a few tbsps of Soy Sauce.

Bring to a simmer and keep a lid halfway on. Simmer for about 1/2 hour or until the Seitan has  doubled its size. The longer you cook it the denser it gets. Add more liquid if needed and push the Seitan down as it likes to float.

There you have it!  Now the Seitan can be used or stored in its cooking liquid in the fridge for up to 5 days or it can be frozen in its liquid. Seitan freezes well. Also, once it is chilled, it becomes denser yet! YUMMY

The cooking liquid is also great to add to Vegan Sauces as a thickener.

The flavor is easily altered depending on what spices you use…ie italian herbs, no soy or sesame oil…sub olive oil, white wine etc…use the imagination. You are an artist in the kitchen !

Fresh Organic Bean Salad per Lysa’s request

Thanks for requesting a recipe!  I love beans as well.

I buy organic dried beans in bulk and cook them…the bean cooking liquid is nutritious as well…I will blog on how to cook beans from scratch …this recipe is for organic canned beans or home cooked beans.

1 can of organic white beans drained and rinsed

1 can of organic black beans or kidney or any bean of choice drained and rinsed

1 bunch organic scallions (green Onions) chopped

1 Lemon

2 garlic cloves (fresh) smashed and chopped or minced

brown rice vinegar or your fav vinegar

Organic the cobb is best but frozen is ok…

1 shreaded organic carrot, I use the large side of my grater.

1 bunch of Cilantro or Italian Parsley chopped

1 chopped red pepper…or any pepper to your taste…sweet or hot.

sea salt  and pepper of your choice…black ground or cayenne depends on your taste buds!

OK here we go! Get a large bowl, smash 1 garlic clove with the side of your knife..rub the garlic all around the inside of your bowl.

chop all of your veggies

Add your beans to the bowl, add all veggies and herbs  toss lightly…dont crush your beanies!

Add your minced garlic, lemon juice and lemon zest. Drizzle your olive oil just to coat…not too much…add a tbsp of rice vinegar…or to taste. (another thing that I like to add is Braggs Amino Acids or Soy sauce just a few drops.

Voila!  a Great Bean salad…very versatile…you can add any veggies to it and also add TVP (texturized veg. protein) or tofu  to it and make chili. Also can heat it up and serve with Brown Rice.





Vegan Cashew Mayonnaise Recipe

OK everyone…get your food processor ready. This can also be made in a regular blender easily.


1 cup of organic cashews…soaked in water for a few hours, then drained.

 1/4 cup (60 ml) purified water

juice of one lemon

zest of same lemon

pinch to taste of celtic sea salt

one garlic clove minced

organic figs, raisins, or dried apricots…handfull or# honey…#(not for true vegans)

one slice of onion

To make:

Add  all cashews, fruit, garlic, onion into the food processor or blender…process untill going mushy…then add water a bit at a time untill good consistancy. Add lemon, salt and process untill smooth.

At this piont taste and adjust your seasonings…can add turmeric, curry, basil or herbs to taste. If you want a richer version, add flax, hemp or olive oil by drizzles.

Will keep in fridge for 4 weeks…but it never lasts that long!

Pam is happy and loves this recipe…easy and a great spread or dip for veggies, sandwiches or on your fav. pasta!

Pam Can Cook Vegetarian and Vegan recipes post number 1

Hello to all of my wonderful Food Friends! I have been thinking about starting a recipe blog for a long time. I think it will be a fun and rewarding experience. Many of my friends have asked me for my recipes and ideas. I have been cooking healthy organic vegan and vegetarian food for many years. I also am trained in traditional cooking. This blog is dedicated to good health and letting go of unhealthy diets to see the light of good health !

Lets see, what will my first recipe be? Any ideas or requests out there?

How about my FAB Cashew Mayonaise…(totally vegan and LUSCIOUS) !


See you on the Blog…recipe on its way! 🙂 Pam