Pam Can Cook Vegetarian and Vegan recipes post number 1

Hello to all of my wonderful Food Friends! I have been thinking about starting a recipe blog for a long time. I think it will be a fun and rewarding experience. Many of my friends have asked me for my recipes and ideas. I have been cooking healthy organic vegan and vegetarian food for many years. I also am trained in traditional cooking. This blog is dedicated to good health and letting go of unhealthy diets to see the light of good health !

Lets see, what will my first recipe be? Any ideas or requests out there?

How about my FAB Cashew Mayonaise…(totally vegan and LUSCIOUS) !


See you on the Blog…recipe on its way! 🙂 Pam 


2 responses to “Pam Can Cook Vegetarian and Vegan recipes post number 1

  1. Hi Pam! Request, please. I would love to see any type of salad recipe that includes white beans (and other types). i’m a big bean lover but really don’t know how to use them. Thanks! Lysa

    • Hi Lysa! thanks for joining my blog…I am new to this so here goes…I will post a good recipe for a bean salad…I love beans too.
      I always make my beans from scratch…but organic canned beans are an easy substitute. To me, cooking is art and fun…I usually dont use measurements I just throw it in and taste,,,this is making me be more aware of measurements as not everyone is like me…IE…a crazy foodie!
      Recipe coming.

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