Vegan Cashew Mayonnaise Recipe

OK everyone…get your food processor ready. This can also be made in a regular blender easily.


1 cup of organic cashews…soaked in water for a few hours, then drained.

 1/4 cup (60 ml) purified water

juice of one lemon

zest of same lemon

pinch to taste of celtic sea salt

one garlic clove minced

organic figs, raisins, or dried apricots…handfull or# honey…#(not for true vegans)

one slice of onion

To make:

Add  all cashews, fruit, garlic, onion into the food processor or blender…process untill going mushy…then add water a bit at a time untill good consistancy. Add lemon, salt and process untill smooth.

At this piont taste and adjust your seasonings…can add turmeric, curry, basil or herbs to taste. If you want a richer version, add flax, hemp or olive oil by drizzles.

Will keep in fridge for 4 weeks…but it never lasts that long!

Pam is happy and loves this recipe…easy and a great spread or dip for veggies, sandwiches or on your fav. pasta!

2 responses to “Vegan Cashew Mayonnaise Recipe

  1. Hey Pam! GREAT!!! Wayyyy cool! Thanks!!!

    Btw, perhaps recipe can be adapted for “true” vegans using Agave nectar instead of honey. (Although I TOTALLY believe in the benefits of honey and I don’t think the bees mind sharing with us. As long as we stop killing them with pesticides and herbicides and plant more flowers, etc.!) 🙂

    Love to you, Magic Cooking Woman!

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